Our consultancy is authorised to work on the following
certifications systems:
DGNB System
New office and administration buildings: NOA10
New office buildings: NBV09/12
New commercial buildings: NHA09
New industrial buildings: NIN09/12
Renovation of office building: MBV10
New school buildings: NBI12
New hotel buildings: NHO11/12
Service industry buildings - international
Service industry buildings - in use
Service industry buildings - new
Service industry buildings - renovation
Residential & Environment
The support we offer to project managers as part of a certification may include the following
Preparation Phase
Support for the implementation of an SMO/SMEX
management system
Identification of the stakeholders along with their roles
and responsibilities
Support in the identification of the environmental profile
Identification of targets and expectations
Integration of the certification criteria in the
architectural tender
Liaison with the certification organisations
Planning Phase
Creation of a certification logbook
Verification of objectives
Analysis and evaluation of the project at key stages
Preparation of and request for Pre-DGNB certification
Preparation for HQETM audits
Certification-related aspects of a tender
Support in the publication and review of tenders
Execution Phase
Participation in site meetings to cover environmental
Preparation for third party audits (NF HQE™)
Certification-related aspects of the building handover
Preparation of and request for DGNB certification
Usage Phase
Support during certification as an operator